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Social, Local, Mobile: The Best SEO Tool Out There!

Here is a quick three (3) minute educational video that explains this product.


SocialBiz eMarketing is very important to society, the environment, and businesses. This concept was developed in order to tackle consumerism and profit only, the motive of business. The societal marketing concept helps to maximize profits for the organization and creates a long-term relationship with customers. SocialBiz Marketing creates a favorable image for the company and increases sales. It is not the same as the terms of social marketing and social media marketing. It is a term closely related to CSR and sustainable development. Not only that, but it emphasizes social responsibilities. Furthermore, it calls for sustainable marketing, socially and environmentally responsible marketing that meets the present needs of consumers and businesses while also preserving or enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

All of this is achieved by Standard American Web™ managing any 5 social media platforms of the client. We post engaging content and significant posts. We brand the company's social media platforms by giving them all one central theme to give the company's brand one consistent look and feel. Not only that, but we can also manage and produce marketing ads via Facebook and Instagram. But note that the cost of these campaigns falls firmly on the responsibility of the company; not Standard American Web.


Local SEO (Local Search Engine Optimization), sometimes referred to as local search engine marketing, is an incredibly effective way to market your local business online, as it helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the exact time they're looking for them online. Local SEO helps businesses promote their products and services to local prospects and customers. To gather information for local search, search engines rely on signals such as local content, social profile pages, links, and citations to provide the most relevant local results to the user.

How is that achieved? Standard American Web™ is able to help Google bots better understand exactly what our clients have to offer by installing the very best and most up-to-date techniques used and suggested by Google. We can use anything from Schema to Rich Snippets, and structured data. You see, just adding metadata to your website is not enough anymore as of 2015, when Google, Bing, and Yahoo collaborated on an online language that all of their bots could read. Standard American Web™ just happens to have master coders that are gifted in this language.


Here is a breakdown of the statistics: Desktop users spent an average of 144 minutes per day consuming media from their desktops in 2013. By 2019, desktop users were down to an average of 128 minutes per day of media consumption. ... Meanwhile, mobile media consumption increased by more than 130 percent. Statista compiled data about mobile phone web access and found that since 2013, the share of global web pages accessed via mobile phones has more than tripled. Imagine what that number might be today.

Mobile-first design is a design strategy that says when you create a website or app, you should start sketching and prototyping the smallest screen first and work your way up to larger screens. ... For many years, mobile websites were an afterthought in the design process. In addition, it is not a necessity. Mobile-first design is a design philosophy that aims to create better experiences for users by starting the design process with the smallest of screens: mobile. Designing and prototyping your websites for mobile devices first helps you ensure that your users' experience is seamless on any device.


This product was once only offered as a package deal. But we found that we could offer a much better price if we made this a single product, and not three separate products even though it contains 3 separate services. A better product at a better price, SoLoMo.

· Let's get your project started? It only takes a few minutes to change the direction and momentum of your company.

Additional Helpful Information.

A Quick Two (2) Minute Video About Social Media Marketing.