SEO Info

First, let us start by giving you something for absolutely FREE. That's correct, "Free," with no strings attached. We believe you should have the right to know whether or not you actually need the product you are researching to determine whether or not you need the service. So here is a link to our exclusive website evaluator tool. It will give you insight about your website that you never thought to ask about; as-well-as, as supply all the insightful details to your SEO, Schema, Rich Snippet, and metadata. Here is that WEBSITE EVALUATION TOOL.

A Quick Two (2) Minute Video About Search Engine Optimization.

Did you know that 93% of all online experiences start with a search engine? Ninety-three percent! Wow. . .

Many people rely on search engines to find businesses, information, and more. And that number is steadily rising post the 2020 pandemic. By investing in a quality search engine optimization (SEO) package, you can help drive these leads to your business.

You may hear people tell you that it’s important to invest in SEO, but why? SEO offers numerous benefits to your business. Let’s look at five reasons to invest in an SEO package.

1. You gain your audience’s trust and authority

When users conduct searches, they are looking for reputable businesses or websites that will provide them with what they need. SEO ensures that your content gets in front of the right users at the right time. SEO helps you gain trust and authority because you boost your content to the front page of results. Considering that 75% of people don’t go past the first page of results, it’s crucial that you’re on the first page if you want to attract leads. Users trust that Google will put the best search results first. If your business appears at the top of search results, you’re building up your trust and authority. Users trust that you have valuable information that will help them. Building trust and authority take your business a long way. When leads are ready to convert, they are more likely to choose your business over the competition because they trust you. It’s a great way to earn conversions for yourself. A competitive search engine optimization bundle from Standard American Web™ can help you take full advantage of this benefit.

2. It’s cost-effective

According to a study, 71% of searches result in a page-one organic click. This means that it’s extremely important to have your content showing up on page one of Google – and that goal is nearly unattainable without an SEO campaign.

According to a study, 71% of searches result in a page one organic click.

SEO is an investment, but it drives valuable results for your business. Depending on your monthly SEO package, it can cost anywhere from $800 – $2,500 per month.

So, what do you get when you invest this money?

SEO helps you boost traffic on your website. When your listings appear higher in search results, you attract more traffic to your page. More traffic on your page means more opportunities for you to obtain leads. When you obtain more leads, you earn more conversions. Let’s say you sell expensive tool kits and your SEO plan is $1,300 a month. Each kit sells for $100. You would only need to sell 13 kits, and attract 13 leads, to break even on your investment.Let’s say you sell expensive tool kits and your SEO plan is $1,300 a month. Each kit sells for $100. You would only need to sell 13 kits, and attract 13 leads, to break even on your investment.

By investing in an SEO package, you would be able to attract many more leads than the bare minimum to break even. Your optimizations allow you to appear in front of leads that, in this case, are looking for a tool kit. It creates the opportunity for you to grow your business. SEO is well worth the investment. It is a cost-effective method that helps you drive valuable results for your business.

Overall, search engine optimization is extremely cost-effective. When your website is in the organic listings and a user lands on your site, you’re not paying for the click that enabled the visit like you would with PPC. This doesn’t make PPC less cost-effective, but it does mean that SEO is also an extremely cost-effective strategy.

3. It provides substantial ROI

Looking for a return on your online marketing investment? Our website SEO packages all include services that are meant to bring you the best value for your dollar. In fact, we believe getting the most out of your money is critical to your satisfaction as a client. There are plenty of reasons to implement an SEO campaign into your overall marketing strategy, but they all come down to one thing: ROI. When you select an SEO package, we’ll work to maximize your ROI so your business can reliably grow from the investment you made.

Optimizing your site for search engines puts your company in front of your target customers (literally). Potential customers voluntarily searching for your product and/or services are presented with your website by a trusted search engine, as long as your site is properly optimized.

Search engines, more often than not, are the starting places for a product or service search, and they’re becoming more and more popular with each passing day. In fact, more than half of all Internet users search at least once a day. Missing out on this market can potentially be a huge loss for your company. At Standard American Web™, we’ll work with you to turn that loss into a major gain by implementing a custom SEO campaign with a search engine optimization package tailored to your business.

4. It drives local traffic

Not all business you do will be online. Some people prefer to go to a physical location to buy a product. SEO helps you reign in these local leads and get them to visit your business. A big part of SEO is optimizing for keywords. Keywords trigger your website to appear in the search results.

By optimizing for local SEO, you help your website appear in more relevant search results. Local keywords typically contain phrases like “near me” and “in [city].” These are phrases people use when they’re looking for local businesses.

SEO helps you optimize for these keywords. You can integrate these keywords on your site to help your business rank better for local search queries. This allows you to drive more local traffic for your business.

5. SEO works when done properly

Perhaps the most important attribute of SEO is that it works. This method has a proven track record of success for businesses. Many businesses see an increase in traffic, rankings, and conversions.

In fact, 15% of all SEO leads close. This compares to 2% of outbound leads. SEO is very effective in helping you capture leads that convert, making even a basic SEO package a smart choice.

BONUS: Your competitors may be doing it

You must remain in competition with your competitors. The best way to do this is to continually improve your marketing strategy to outperform them. If you aren’t already optimizing for SEO, you’re falling behind the competition.

Your competitors are already improving their sites. If you don’t improve yours, they’re going to perform better in the search results. They will outrank you and obtain more traffic on their site.

By investing in a monthly SEO package, you will drive better results with your campaign. You’ll remain in competition with your competitors and work to outrank them.

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