Funeral Home

What Your NEW Professional Funeral Home Website Needs?

What we can tell you is that post-COVID pandemic; if your funeral home does not have the correct online functions on your website, your business has experienced a sharp decline in profit to your bottom line. Let us explain how or why we know that to be true. If your funeral home did not have the capability to give an online "LIVE VIDEO" feed funeral service, you experienced a decline in the purchases of your more expensive service packages and coffins. If clients do not feel the need to give a funeral service; most will choose to purchase your cardboard coffins instead of the more expensive ones. Let's not bring up the flowers, vases, and the funds your business makes per service by having your employees work the service. Let's not bring up the fact that clients are spending less money on funeral services because they have decided to give their loved ones a cardboard coffin instead of an expensive one. We can also talk about how you can no longer afford to pay your employees what they deserve and need or pay for the costs of running your business.

The internet has changed the world. People want to be able to do everything from their desktops and mobile devices. As a funeral home, your business needs to adapt to this changing market as well. The first step is educating yourself on what it means for your business and then making the necessary changes.

A Quick Two (2) Minute Video About website design.

With all due respect, allow us to point out five challenges your funeral home may be facing post-COVID:

⤑ Losses to traditional sources of revenue: As a funeral home, you may be facing losses to traditional sources of revenue. This is likely due to the fact that families are now able to shop around for their funeral services and compare prices online. This has led to an increase in price transparency within the funeral industry, which means it’s more important than ever for funeral homes to up their game if they want customers to choose them over other providers. It also doesn't help that there is an increase in rates for cremation & reduced demand for embalming, public services, and merchandise.

⤑ Staffing shortages and burn-out: As a funeral home, you may be facing staffing shortages and burn-out among your employees. This is likely due to the fact that families are now able to shop around for their funeral services and compare prices online. This has led to an increase in price transparency within the funeral industry, which means it’s more significant than ever for funeral homes to up their game if they want customers to select them over other providers.

⤑ A need to stand out: Heightened competition with low-cost funeral providers, independent crematories, and online retailers has negatively impacted funeral home profitability. From funeral home to funeral home, competition is largely based on reputation, price, and location. Maintaining competitive pricing and a positive reputation is especially critical in communities that host more than one funeral home.

⤑ Increasing wage costs in a labor-intensive profession: The funeral profession is labor-intensive, with wages making up the largest expense for the industry, especially since wage cost has risen over the last few years.

⤑ Families requesting help that exceeds your professional scope: As a funeral home director, you may feel prone to feeling a lack of control in your work environment. When interviewed, work professionals in your field stated that it is important to set boundaries in their professional responsibilities while doing what they could to support the family.

What can change all of that? Believe it or not, a new and better website. You see, post-COVID 43% of all business is now done online or remotely. Your clients have become accustomed to being able to do everything they need via mobile devices. If you're still expecting your old website to somehow take care of those needs and concerns before purchasing or even coming inside your office; you're not being honest with yourself. It's time to upgrade your aging website with loads of features that your potential clients will not only find useful but encourage them to commit to purchasing. And not surprisingly, all of that took place before they ever had to take one step inside your office.

Responsive design of funeral websites

Let us help you change the trajectory of your funeral home's bottom line.

Listed below are just a portion of all the enhanced and premium products and services that we can offer that could take your funeral home to the next level. It would offer your client all the features and convenient comforts that they have come to rely on post-COVID.

Stream Your Client Service "LIVE" To Their Mobile

Responsive design of funeral websites

Nine out of 10 memorial services today “have loved ones who are unable to attend," according to the TribuCast. This probably comes as no surprise given today’s mobile society. More people are moving away from the places where they grew up, leaving loved ones behind. In addition to distance limitations, some would-be attendees are home-bound due to health reasons. These are some of the same motivations that prompted churches to start live-streaming their services years ago.

Live-streaming a funeral allows anyone with access to watch a memorial service in real time. It also preserves the recording for those who were there in person to watch later. Predictably, people have mixed opinions on how webcast funerals affect the grieving process. In 2014, one expert told The Atlantic that webcasting makes death “more visible by bringing it quite literally into our homes.”


Responsive design of funeral websites

Give your families a way to create permanent virtual tributes to their loved ones who have passed. Tribute Walls integrate with social media and your funeral home website to let families and friends do all kinds of things, such as:

* Share Photos and messages

* Light a candle or leave a symbol

* Share memories to social media

* Purchase flowers and gifts for the family


Responsive design of funeral websites

Consistency in website design matter a lot. Give your attention to match design elements throughout each of the pages. It can be understood that your fonts, sizes, headings, sub-headings, and button styles must be the same throughout the website. Plan everything in advance. Finalize the fonts and the right colors for your texts, buttons, etc, and stick to them throughout the development. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) would come in handy to keep the complete information about design styles and elements.


Responsive design of funeral websites

Families can easily pay for products and services directly on your website through Tribute Pay, which is included with every Standard American Web™ powered website. Simply do the one-time setup to use Tribute Pay and you’ll begin making payments easy for your families while staying organized. With Tribute Pay, your website can accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.


Responsive design of funeral websites

Let's face it. Sometimes the passing of a loved one is unexpected. There will always arise a situation where loved ones may not have the monies necessary to bury their loved ones. Crowdfunding isn't always easy, especially when the surviving loved ones are elderly and crowdfunding platforms may seem too complex for them. Your funeral home can offer to set them up on your own platform and assist them with retrieving the necessary funds. Listed below are a few benefits we can think of for your funeral home to be able to offer this service conveniently through your business.

* It covers financial gaps and better yet, the funds comes directly to you, the funeral home.

* No application process.

* Your client would have quick access to needed funds.

* Makes asking for help easier, more pleasant.

* It offers more than financial support. While the most obvious advantage of crowdfunding a funeral is, of course, raising money to give your loved one the send-off they deserve. However, it isn't the only advantage out there. Crowdfunding connects you to others across the web, often those in your extended family or community, who may be grieving with you. It can bring solace if only because you know that you are not alone and that your loved one – and how much they meant to you – is known to others.

It also lets others constructively offer their condolences. Grief can be isolating; it's hard to see beyond the onslaught of emotions when we lose someone we love. The best cure for that is often to see that others are there for us. Often, they too have felt loss and want to help you navigate it.


Responsive design of funeral websites

Use the our Web Manager iOS and Android apps to manage your funeral home website on-the-go. View Tribute Store orders, authorize incoming Tribute Wall photos and comments, view upcoming services, respond to form submissions and more!

A Quick Two (2) Minute Video About Search Engine Optimization.